
May 14, 2011 12:03

[The first thing that would probably alert you to something not being right around here would be that the location of where Soma's currently sitting at is somewhat familiar to those of you that were chronicling his escapades before - the very same Demon Castle that he was fighting through in order to find a way out for both himself and Mina a few ( Read more... )

grabbag virus, soma cruz

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gh0st_girl May 14 2011, 19:11:52 UTC
it seems a bit excessive t0 g0 after every0ne
0bvi0usly it makes sense t0 g0 after pe0ple wh0 hurt the 0nes y0u care ab0ut
but n0t pe0ple wh0 might p0ssibly hurt s0me0ne s0meday
what if they never w0uld have?
its a waste


pimpcoats May 15 2011, 04:45:04 UTC
Call it insurance. People eventually hurt and betray each other - after all, it's in their nature.


gh0st_girl May 15 2011, 04:47:09 UTC
that may be true
or it might not
youd rather be alone then risk being hurt?
thats very sad


pimpcoats May 17 2011, 00:38:44 UTC
Perhaps you think it's sad - I'd rather not run the risk of getting hurt.


gh0st_girl May 17 2011, 03:01:01 UTC
i didnt mean that i was pitying you
i can understand that attitude
but im glad that i still have people in the world i can believe in i guess
or have them again anyway


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