[The first thing that would probably alert you to something not being right around here would be that the location of where Soma's currently sitting at is somewhat familiar to those of you that were chronicling his escapades before - the very same Demon Castle that he was fighting through in order to find a way out for both himself and Mina a few
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[Horrible murder vs clinging to his morals. Morals are winning so far...]
This has nothing to do with the other people. This is me wondering on the innate goodness or evilness of mankind and the ability of a person's ability to change versus my unwanted but unrelenting desire to see sentient beings screaming in horror before being horribly murdered, regardless of their morality.
Or, to cut a long story short, this isn't about them. I haven't decided whether watching you kill them would be amusing or important enough for me to care about.
If you want to go kill them, go. Do it. Don't wrap it in some half-baked moral excuse. And if you have a problem with me, come at me! Come on, all I'm letting myself let loose on here are the mangy cowards who dare to wear the Imperial colors and turn tail! I'm staying in the lines of my job; I'm not painting bloodlust in the soft, sickening silvers of 'protection' or 'love.'
I'm no coward; call me callous, conniving and cruel instead!
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