
Apr 28, 2011 10:56

Is this really how time works for normal people? You know... everything going by slowly, in the right order, with big long periods of nothing?

How on earth do any of you cope?

the doctor [tenth]

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gh0st_girl April 28 2011, 02:18:09 UTC
its n0t that bad really
messing with the cl0sed time l00ps and all
and trying n0t t0 accidentally d00m myself 0r destr0y the universe
is a l0t m0re c0mplicated
i alm0st miss the 0ld way t0 live


timey_wimey April 28 2011, 02:23:36 UTC
Wait, hang on, messing with closed time loops, more to the point messing with time at all? You can do that, Aradia?


gh0st_girl April 28 2011, 02:26:30 UTC
it appears i can n0w yeah
my r0le in this game is the maid 0f time apparently
s0rry i guess i didnt menti0n that bef0re
is it imp0rtant?


timey_wimey April 28 2011, 02:36:45 UTC
Well. From one time traveller to another, yeah, I'd say it's important. Sometimes it helps to keep tabs on each other, especially when you're trying to interfere in a stable time loop because that's one of the things that you really, really shouldn't do unless you've got a very good idea of what you're doing.

Back up for a minute though, what do you mean it's your "role in the game"? What game?


gh0st_girl April 28 2011, 02:50:26 UTC
0h n0 n0 im n0t interfering in stable time l00ps
im setting s0me up s0 i can make certain things happen with0ut causing branching timelines
because every0ne in the branch timeline ends up dead and thats bad

the game all 0f us tr0lls are playing right n0w
its called sgrub and it turned 0ut that it destr0yed 0ur w0rld
but i think if we win and beat the final b0ss we will be able t0 fix things
0r s0mething


timey_wimey April 28 2011, 03:02:19 UTC
Ah. Now, that situation I have been in. Well, not always with the same dire implications, but setting up or being part of a stable time loop, yeah, I've dabbled in that before. How long's this been going on for from your point of view?

... Ah. So basically, the fate of your world hangs in the balance of a video game? Well, I suppose that's not the strangest thing I've ever heard...


gh0st_girl April 28 2011, 03:18:10 UTC
a c0uple of days subjectively but its been less than twenty f0ur h0urs f0r my friends

its a pretty weird vide0 game
when y0u install it 0n a c0mputer and c0nnect t0 y0ur server
they can actually m0ve things ar0und in y0ur hive and build it bigger


timey_wimey April 28 2011, 03:30:45 UTC
Right. Different points in the time stream, yeah?

So it's reality warping like this community then?


gh0st_girl April 28 2011, 05:03:12 UTC
m0re like im reliving the same few h0urs a few times in l00ps t0 get everything d0ne

a l0t like this c0mmunity i guess
n0t surprising that we accepted all this s0 easily c0me t0 think 0f it


timey_wimey April 30 2011, 11:58:52 UTC
Ouch. Be careful not to run into yourself if you can help it. That sort of thing can just cause even more problems.

Huh. I'm not sure if it's comforting or worrying to know there's something else out there so similar.


gh0st_girl April 30 2011, 14:25:17 UTC
d0es it?
what kind 0f pr0blems?

im n0t really sure either

s0 h0w c0me y0ure stuck in 0ne place and time right n0w?


timey_wimey May 5 2011, 12:19:08 UTC
Oh, you know, paradoxes, holes in the universe, that sort of thing. It's never pretty.

Ah well, that's a long story, but it basically involves a very bad day that ended with me stuck in a computer for months and then in a coma for a month or so after that, and well, once I'd woken up, my ship wasn't technically mine anymore.


gh0st_girl May 5 2011, 15:00:38 UTC
0h well y0u w0uld think id have n0ticed if that happened
ill keep an eye 0ut f0r h0les in the universe fr0m n0w 0n

0h thats s0 sad!
can y0u get it back?


timey_wimey May 9 2011, 11:32:27 UTC
You would, yeah, these things are usually quite big. So if you haven't noticed anything weird yet - well, weirder than usual, that is - then I reckon you're okay for now.

Mmm, not really. It's a bit complicated to explain, but she's with what ought by all rights to be a future version of myself right now. I can't get her back without completely upending my own timestream.


gh0st_girl May 9 2011, 22:12:43 UTC
yeah things are pretty n0rmal f0r n0w
but thanks f0r the warning d0ct0r
i think y0u have a l0t m0re experience with this than i d0

0h i see
that is a pr0blem


timey_wimey May 11 2011, 08:34:54 UTC
Well, about 900 years or so, yeah.

Just a bit, yeah. But I'll deal with it. Am dealing with it, even.


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