10; daemons daemons everywhere; home sweet home; someone get him away from youtube

Mar 13, 2011 14:41

[Kefka leans against a metal latticework of fence, eyes closed, humming under his breath.]

[And then a voice sings out:]

Hey, Kefka!

[He opens his eyes, smiles.]

What's that, Miriam, my dear?

[Kefka cocks his head and puts a hand to his ear. Close inspection reveals a thumbnail-sized green beetle hanging off his earlobe.]

Are you ready to show them Vector?

Yes, I am! [Kefka hops to his feet, pocketing the book and gesturing to the camera. With the sound of fluttering pages, the camera follows, spinning to show off the city around Kefka:]

[There are factories everywhere, their towers jabbing the sky and billowing crimson smoke. Beyond are houses spread in cookie cutter rows, each colored a different shade of carmine through the fog, and beyond that, stores and fields and more spreading out as far as the eye can see. In the far distance are mountains, snow-clad and jagged.]

Behold: Vector!

[italics are Miriam the daemon, normal is Kefka]

kefka palazzo, daemon virus

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