☕ We make the hipsters fall in love: 001.

Feb 06, 2011 17:05

[ The video opens and all you can see is the back of two mens' heads and a TV. On the TV is a news program portraying The Green Hornet taking down the leader of crime in all of LA: Chudnofsky. Or as he liked to be called in his final days, Bloodnofsky. As the program cuts to commercial the camera slowly pans to see a young man with curly hair and his "associate," a Chinese man. The two men are having a very serious and animated discussion on the ornate sofa. ]

Did you see that? That was awesome. And look. [ digs around on the table next to him until he finds a copy of the newspaper: The Green Hornet also dominates its pages. ] I'm like, the best newspaper guy ever. Can you believe this? I wrote this. [ points deceptively to the article on the front page. he didn't write it okay. he wrote the caption for the picture. ]

A caption, [ Kato observes, sitting on the arm of the couch. It's not entirely clear what he thinks of this. ]

[ Britt seems to notice the camera for the first time, but in reality he's known about it the whole time. He looks up into it and gestures for Kato to do the same. ] Say hi to the folks at home, Kato. [ waves ]

[ He doesn't move. ] I don't think I need to wave.

britt reid [green hornet], intro

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