
Jan 30, 2011 23:52

[This is a grumpy-looking, aged twelve James T. Kirk the community gets today, just a few days after his "first" post here. The room he's in is not his own, but a white, ultra-modern looking place that hardly looks lived-in. He moves around a bit as he's talking, but the camera on the computer follows him. At one point, he passes a window and, if you know San Francisco in the middle of the twenty-third century, you'll know he's in Starfleet housing, looking over the Bay.]

Hey, if any of you ever know me in, like, five or six years, and you hear I'm thinking about joining Starfleet, please remind me of this day and stop me.

Okay, that's it. Hope everyone's good.

timewarp virus, james t. kirk

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