[06✩ accidental video]

Jan 28, 2011 16:30

[The communicator in an open pocket of Jim's backpack suddenly clicks on, connecting to the community and catching the tail end of a loud argument between a boy of about twelve and an older man. Neither one of them seems ready to back down anytime soon.]

I hate Iowa! I'm glad to be leaving! You should have gotten rid of me years ago!

Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind, you ungrateful little twerp!

Then why didn't you? Hell would've been better than living with a bastard like you!

Don't talk to me like that.

[The man's words are accompanied by a sudden jostle of the half-black, half-bright room view the communicator's getting. It turns out the bag is still on Jim's back, and now Jim's on the floor, communicator and a well-worn, hardcover copy of Treasure Island skittering across the floor.]

Don't touch me! [Jim's untangling himself from the straps of the bag, now, and getting back to his feet. The camera picks up on the boy standing up to the man, fists tight at his sides. When it comes to reenacting David and Goliath, James Tiberius Kirk will always take the role of David.

There's a terse silence before the man turns away.] Get out of my sight, Jimmy.

With pleasure. [Jim scrambles to pick up his stuff, hands shaking a little as he tries to leave the room with as much pride as possible. It's not until he's safe, locked in his bedroom with his model planes and giant periodic table poster that he sees his communicator's been recording. And then he just frowns.]

((ooc: okay, italics are Jim's mother's husband, Frank. He's a bastard. :| In Jim's canon, this takes place a little over a year after he drove a car into a huge rock quary (it was his deceased father's, for the record, and Jim didn't want Frank to have the joy of selling it) and about a week before he gets shipped off to live in the Tarsus system. Where Horrible Things happen. He's never heard of Drama Drama Duck before, so feel free to fill him in.))

timewarp virus, james t. kirk

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