attempt number nineteen ♻ (voice)

Jan 14, 2011 10:13

[ooc; Finally a canon move! Claire turned on her phone prior to the start of this scene to record the audio only. Replies will come ICly hours later.]

claire bennet

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actionspam for jack harkness. autophoenix January 14 2011, 18:01:06 UTC
[ That creep.

She still felt dirty. It had been a while now since he'd flung her out of the room, but she still couldn't shake the unsettling feeling of Sylar's breath on her neck and his hands in her hair and -- augh. She shuddered a little, casting a surreptitious look up at Peter to make sure he hadn't caught it. She was supposed to be strong, she was supposed to be able to have an easy time coping with this.

More importantly, they needed to find Nathan and Sylar before things got out of control.

They headed down the final set of stairs to the first floor. ]

We should separate here. I'll go look for Nathan over here. [ Claire nods at Peter's directive but they get stopped turning a corner by Noah -- gun pointed at Claire. She stops dead in her tracks. It wouldn't exactly be the first time he's been responsible for her getting shot, but that doesn't mean she wants him to do it himself. ]

Hold it!

Noah? [ Peter moved to maneuver his way between Noah and Peter instinctively, to protect her from a bullet that ( ... )


actionspam forever! capt_greatcoat January 14 2011, 19:15:13 UTC
[As soon as Jack heard the post, he was on trying to find where she was, trying to come and rescue her. He didn't care if maybe there were people from her world coming to her aid too, he wasn't going to take that chance and just assume. He'd been kidnapped and tortured for a full year, buried alive for centuries, and so he knew all about how living forever sucked, especially when it involved creeps like that guy]

[The first worldhopper he could find, he had them send him Claire's way. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know where he could find her, he didn't even know what was going on exactly, but he knew that he was doing something about it, which was good enough for him. He really didn't know what to expect, although running up on the back of a security team, the front man with a gun pressed to Claire's head, it wasn't exactly what he had expected]

[Drawing his pistol, he ducked into hiding, although not before he caught eyes with Claire and the men standing with her]


Re: actionspam forever! autophoenix January 14 2011, 19:21:15 UTC
[ So, her bold move probably hadn't been smart, but it had been effective. The security guards began to lower their guns and Claire opened her mouth to explain, but her eyes caught sight of Jack and her attention was lost forever. She shot a look back at Peter and Noah. ]

Can you guys handle this? There's something I have to take care of. [ She gave a quick look of apology and though the two were confused, Noah nodded, putting a hand on her shoulder and then looking past her at the guards. ]

Of course, Clairebear. Do what you need to do, but stay safe.

[ As if he needed to tell her twice. She nodded and gave him and Peter one last smile before heading to Jack's hiding spot, ducking behind it with him before tugging him by the arm around a corner for a stern look. ]

What are you doing here?


capt_greatcoat January 15 2011, 01:38:48 UTC
[Jack put up his gun, looking over at the two men she left behind before down at her] Are you kidding me? After a post like that one? I sure as hell wasn't going to leave you alone with someone like that. I didn't have any idea that you'd have backup from this side of things. [He nodded in the direction of the other men]

Claire, what's going on? What was that post about? Who was that guy that you were talking to? Was it one of them? [He shot the other men another look. They didn't sound the same as the other man in the clip that had been in her post, but. He couldn't be sure. He just hoped that he hadn't made a mistake, in coming to her aid.]


autophoenix January 15 2011, 01:50:39 UTC
It worked? [ surprised relief, then after a pause, she sounds almost touched. ] You came to make sure I was okay? [ she takes a moment to be comforted by that, then gets to answering his questions. she casts a quick look back over her shoulder at noah and peter and shakes her head. ] No. No, they're -- They're family.

The guy you heard was Sylar. He's upstairs somewhere, Nathan's fighting him, but ... he's incredibly strong. I don't know if -- I mean, we have a plan to take him down, but ...

Are you sure you want to be here? Jack, it's dangerous.


capt_greatcoat January 15 2011, 05:31:11 UTC
[Jack shrugs] Of course I came to make sure you're okay. And please. I've faced an entire hoard of psychopathic, emotionless alien robots, among other things. Plus, I can't die. I figure that even if things are bad, I'll deal.

[He looks around, sparing a glance around the corner at the other two men again, family apparently] If Nathan's upstairs fighting him, what are you doing down here?


autophoenix January 15 2011, 21:56:55 UTC
Trying to get help. We've got a plan, he--

Sylar can shapeshift. [ she pauses before realizing that, no, that doesn't explain everything. ] And Peter can take his abilities. If he's trying to get to the president, we can get to him first and Peter can corner him that way. So, we were trying to -- [ she looks over to see that noah and peter and the guards are heading down the hallway now -- presumably to get that set up. ]

... Or, I'm just here to stay out of the way, I guess. Like usual.


capt_greatcoat January 16 2011, 02:15:10 UTC
Here to stay out of the way? [Jack raises an eyebrow at her.] It seems a pretty dangerous thing, to just be here to stay out of the way.

[He follows her gaze to watch the others heading down the hallway] Claire... Is there anything that I can do for you? I mean. That guy sounded like he was after you, not anyone else. Is it really safe that you're here? [He gives her a look to indicate that just because she can survive anything doesn't mean that he can't be concerned about her]


autophoenix January 16 2011, 05:05:18 UTC
He was just trying to mess with me. [ it doesn't sound like she really believes it, though, more like she's just trying to push it out of her mind as soon as possible. she shakes her head and looks down the hallway where her dad and peter went. it's obvious she doesn't want to just run -- she wants to do something. well, more like she wants to kill sylar. but they have it under control. ]

My grandmother's here somewhere. We should find her while my dad and Peter work on setting Sylar up, she's in just as much danger as I would be.


capt_greatcoat January 16 2011, 05:26:06 UTC
[Jack nodded] Right, okay. Your grandmother. Any idea where she would be in here, then? Let's focus on finding her and getting the two of you away from here. Let them deal with Sylar, like you said. If this Sylar guy is anything like he sounded over that post, he's one hell of a creep, and while I'm not sure of his motives for your grandmother, he was coming on way too strong to you...


autophoenix January 16 2011, 05:33:59 UTC
It's not the first time he's done it. But, as long as everything works out here today, it'll be the last. Come on. [ she just looks determined instead of letting herself dwell on it because, honestly, jack was right. it was creepy and unsettling and when she stopped moving she realized just how badly she felt the need to bathe incessantly for the next week. but, there were bigger things to deal with.

so, she started leading him down the halls to try and hunt down angela petrelli. ]


capt_greatcoat January 16 2011, 05:39:50 UTC
[Jack follows her, not quite sure of the situation, but at least happy that he's found her and that he's doing something right, here.] So. ...your grandmother, then? What's going on here, exactly, Claire? Fill me in. All I know I've got from that clip that you posted, which honestly, isn't much to go on...

[He keeps his gun out as they walk, not pointed at anything, but drawn and ready. You can never be too prepared, he's learned.]


autophoenix January 16 2011, 05:43:29 UTC
Okay. Well, you know I was staying in Mexico, right? [ rhetorical question. she keeps going, gesticulating a little as she speaks and they head hurriedly through the hotel on their search. ] I finally convinced my dad -- Nathan, not the guy you saw just now -- I convinced him to call the Capitol and try and fix things, so we headed back up to the U.S., but it turns out Sylar's been impersonating him.

Sylar -- the guy you heard over the post -- he's can shapeshift now. [ better spare the messy details. ] He's ... Well, he's been a problem for a while, and I have a feeling he has something bad planned for the President. They're supposed to meet today. So, we have to stop him before he can get there and pretend to be Nathan.


capt_greatcoat January 16 2011, 17:02:15 UTC
[Jack raises an eyebrow] Your dad, your real dad, and your grandmother are all involved in this? Talk about a family co-operation.

[He pauses for a second, thinking] If this Sylar guy has been a problem, and you haven't been able to do anything before, what's different now that you might be able to get him?


autophoenix January 16 2011, 21:06:15 UTC
And my uncle. Peter. He's the one with my dad going to explain things to the president's security. [ she chews his question over for a minute, then gives him a kind of forced smile. ] Family co-operation, I guess. It doesn't hurt that after what happened in the hotel suite, I'm pretty sure Sylar's suffered a serious psychotic break. Besides, we have a plan.


capt_greatcoat January 16 2011, 22:07:25 UTC
Peter's your uncle? [Jack considered this, and the fact that he was pretty sure he'd seen her and Peter interacting on the community before] Huh. Didn't know that.

Anyway. You keep mentioning this plan of yours, but. What plan? You said that they're going to try and stop him, but. Where do you fit into all of this?


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