[Audio video]

Dec 29, 2010 22:23

[There's a sudden 'Thungh' as something knocks against the recording device, a few 'yip yip' sounds, and then Kurt's voice is heard.]

Very funny, Dad. Was the book really necessary? [Burt's voice can't be hear properly but Kurt replies sooner.] No, I didn't forget about the doves at your wedding. Or the glitter. It was ONE time, are you ever going to let me live that down? [Some murmurs] ...what do you mean 'no'? I'm telling Carole.

[There's another 'thungh' and this time the camera of Kurt's laptop (that happened to be on a chair) starts recording. From that angle you can see Kurt lying on his back in the sofa, a book in his hands, and he's sort of pouting at it, as if to blame the book for his trouble. He is reading the book, though.

In the table next to him there's a birdcage, and in said birdcage there's a canary, happily chilling in a nest. Made of tinsel, from all things. But that scene is quickly interrupted by a brown blur that jumps over the couch and Kurt, and starts licking the boy's face.]

AAAAGGGGGH!..Slushie! Down, boy...Finnnnnn! Get your dog, he's licking me again! I knew I was going to regret buying you a pet!! [The doggie just waves his tail, still trying to lick Kurt's nose and yipping happily all the time.]

kurt hummel

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