1; kefka finds a demon journal; release the troll-kraken; will write purple prose for good minions

Dec 28, 2010 21:31

[The entry first appears in precise, pen-and-ink handwriting and the words are jumbled into numbers and letters.]

[Then the letters shift, change, and soon a more coherent message appears:]

It looks like I’m not court-martialing those two idiots after all.

Bad enough that they lost the luggage. It’s a good thing I put all the important supplies in the armors before we got to the desert! Bad enough that the desert has these horrible bug things lurking in it, eating luggage and all my nice things and this is supposed to look like a diplomatic event.

I forgot how much I hate the desert. This place is even worse than Albrook’s desert, full of flying walnuts and dragon skulls snickity-snacking at heels and, every now and then, the dreaded sandworm popping up with a suction-soft mouth that yanks towards curved mandibles so that it can snap you up as a snack!

How did those two idiots manage to lose my luggage and my important journal?! It’s a good thing they got me this replacement or they’d be regretting it. Maybe they could feed the bugs and I could keep on going without bugs or idiots bugging me!

I hate my life. I hate this job. I hate everything. At least I got a quality replacement journal.

[and then a tenor voice pipes in, sharp and squeaky in surprise] …did the book just decode my cipher? It took years to learn how to write that!

kefka palazzo

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