[video post]

Dec 15, 2010 20:31

[Jack appears on the camera, looking more than a little on-edge]

Doctor? What the hell is going on out there?! Everyone just froze, and all of a sudden they turned into the Master! And I mean everyone! I...

[Jack takes a deep breath] I can't be here. I really can't be here. [He collects himself a little--he's obviously more than a little shaken up about this] Look. I'm... I'm gonna need a little help here.

First. Jim, on the Enterprise. I need to get your permission to come on board. Now. I'll explain when I get there, I promise.

Second. Someone, anyone. Get me the hell off of this planet and onto that ship. Please.

((OOC Note: Going along with the Doctor's following out of the plot of the End of Time, every human on the planet has just been turned into the Master. This will of course revert once the Doctor saves the day. Jack is 51st century human, so it didn't work on him, which is why he's here. Also, the Master kind of had him hostage for a year, killing him and torturing him over and over to try to get the answer as to how he comes back from the dead. So...Jack doesn't like him very much :X

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james t. kirk, jack harkness

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