[An image pops into view of Winry, sitting next to a dark haired woman. A window is behind the woman, with scenery speeding by outside. The image is jiggly, but not as nearly as full of static as Winry's previous attempts to communicate have been
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If your 'device' finally functioning properly? Appears to be that way.
What are you all dressed up for?
Yes! I think I've got it worked out, so I won't have all the static.
I'm trying not to be noticed.
How about you? How have you been?
EXCELLENT [Slight spazz as his wig flies up into the air and spazzes] I was getting worried and frustrated with that. [Slight pause] You know I tired calling you. And ended up getting a man's voice instead.
Why's that? [Curious, raised brow]
[Hmm, how to answer that.] I'm better. I wasn't feeling very well recently.
You did? Mr. Hohenheim said someone tried to contact me, I think. I'm sorry if I worried you!
Because there are people looking for me.
[pause and seems calmer] Well, that's good to know. Yes. BUT I STILL LIKE TO KNOW WHAT WAS WRONG! [Insane look in his eyes. Twitch twitch twitch]
Yes, I - DID! [slight spazz before exclaiming] WELL YOU DID WORRY ME! I COULD HARDLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU WHERE SAYING! [He's trying to shake the computer but he's shaking himself instead]
[Pause stops the shaking and presses himself against the screen] Why are they looking for you?
I was feeling pretty sorry for myself and was thinking of doing something stupid. But my friend talked me out of it.
[Eep.] I'm sorry I worried you! My communication device wasn't working properly but I think I've gotten the frequency changed so it'll work without all the static.
Because they want to use me as a hostage to make my friends start a war.
[Huh look] What was 'that', that they talked you out of?
[Angry ill yell] DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!
Oh, I see. [Berserk Button] THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE! [His hair slightly flies off his head]
You would had made a good rebel back in the '70's.
...Speaking of which, what where you trying to tell me before? About some 'virus' or another and a 'child'?
I'll try to keep in better contact, Mr. Crocker! It was...hard, not being able to talk to people. And I was trying to tell you about the virus that happened, and that I think...I met a younger version of you. [You were a sweet little boy.]
And...I was thinking about giving up my life to bring someone else back from the dead. I thought that might be the best way I could help - not just my friends, but a little girl who's dad was killed.
[Grimly and he looks a little psychotic maybe because he has been in isolation in the asylum before]Yes, I know how hard it is not 'talking' to people. CURSE MY HUMAN BIOLOGY! [Groan]
[Twitching and then screams in frustration with some crying. Yeah, he doesn't remember that]
Dust to dust... I'm glad you where talked out of that. [Small nerdy evil 'Mmmm']
[Waits for the screaming and crying to be over. A little concerned, but...starting to get used to this.]
Yeah. I'm glad he talked me out of it, too. I guess I wasn't thinking about what the people who care about me might think of me leaving them behind.
Well, I'm not one to be hopefully.
[Rather slow like he's choosing his words and depressed] Do... you... mind... telling me... about it..
There's that too. Yay. [That 'yay' was somewhat happy and hugs the moniter] Well, I'm definitly even more glad that you where talked out of that. [Short pause] Was I just glad about something? Yes, I was. You know you're one of the few people on here I don't mind.
[And considers. Would she want to tell him?] I...had a problem, after I joined the community. It made me think...well, that it would be better if I didn't know about the community. And that the only way I'd be worth anything is if I gave up my life to bring Mr. Hughes back, or Ed and Al's mom. I thought it would help more than me being alive.
And Envy...what Envy did to me. That hurt, too. How Ed had to fool him to rescue me.
[Watches intently] Mmmm. Self sacrifice. So noble and yet - SO STUPID! [Totally isn't a villain, there's anger there]
What where you? [Throwing his arms in the air] Out of your TREE?! [Pause]
Well, I don't know what's going on with Envy there I've been taking your word and completely avoiding him.
I think I was. I felt as if nothing I was doing was right. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I just kept reliving everything Envy did, and how I'd hurt Ed. [Little twitch of her own.] I'm still having nightmares about it.
[Is expecting the scolding. Everyone else has scolded her, Mr. Crocker might as well, too.]
Alright. ALRIGHT! [He looks kind of scared and shocked] You can. Just - Just stop being so happy! And yes. It's part of my hobby.
[Pause] Wait - what? You want to use what I have to 'help' people? [That isn't settling well]
Well, I don't feel whatever I do is right but that doesn't make me go and sacrifice myself for - something. I just accept it's a part of who I am.
[Inches back to the screen and presses his face and hands against it and frowns. Yeah, nightmares are no fun and dryly] How where you going to hurt him?
[He doesn't scold, he just Hair Trigger Tempers instead. Scolding would be holding it back]
I hurt Ed by doubting him. I mean, doubting how he felt about me. And I broke up with him. And broke both of us doing it.
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