
Nov 29, 2010 14:06

[Currently all you can see is mountaintop when the feed opens. Nothing but trees, grass, ground, and... feathers?

That's right. You might notice there's a ton of them as this thing takes to the air and pulls away from whatever is going on- to reveal a huge commotion in the works. Your neighborhood friendly jackass in red is in the middle of something, but that doesn't stop him from laughing and speaking all the while.]

All right, kids- here's a lesson in demonology from yours truly.

[Wise-ass talking? You've got it. Dante's currently fighting a plethora of angels in his wake of falling, twisting and turning everywhere, whirling the sword and firing both guns where he can. All the while he's got a smirk on his face, looking like he's enjoying it, at least.

After a few seconds he lands on his feet, and a heap of angels fall behind him in a mess of a group. He turns and shrugs, obviously bored with what he's been facing.]

Now, you might be asking why the hell am I offering to talk about demonology when I've got angels here. [BAM! One gun automatically cocks behind him and shoots another angel flying towards his back, sending it sprawling.] Fact is, apparently angels here can fall and be as bad as demons just as easy if they want something.

So, who wants to answer the quiz and tell me what exactly you call an angel who disobeys their boss? Bonus points to those who can tell me how-

[And that gets interrupted by the roaring sound of a furious and impatient head angel, standing at the top of the mountain.]

Son of Sparda, I do not suggest wasting your time. If you care any for the woman I have taken, then you will come face me up here.

[Dante crooks his head and grins at this.] I dunno, how about you get off your scared ass and come meet me down here? I'd hate for your pretty neck to get stiff from staring down that far, and you're a long way up anyways. What'd ya say- I stop killing your minions and you get to come down and fight me, huh? Fun for both sides, and you're getting the better end of the deal.

If you believe I will fall for something so childish, demon, then you are more of a fool than imagined. I will await you at the top, no more, no less. [With that, the angel is gone again, leaving Dante by himself and a pile of dead angels nearby.]

Tch. Never learn, do they. Anyway- [He turns and gives the camera a salute.] You kids do your homework and answer the question, and we'll see how well you do when I get back.

dante sparda

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