[Unintentional video; Waters of Mars spam 1/4. Warning for spoilers.]

Nov 21, 2010 01:26

[Hello community. The image you're getting this video from is... well, to put it bluntly, it's blue, as if it's being filmed through a filter, or a robot's eyestalk. The Doctor, same old same old, stands in the middle of a room with seven other people. It looks to be a space base of some sort, and all of them are talking. Or rather, interrogating the Doctor.]

He can’t be a world state flight because we’d know about it, therefore he’s gotta be one of the independents, yeah? [says a gruff-looking man with an Australian accent.] Was it the Branson Inheritence lot, they’ve been talking about a Mars shot for years -

Right, okay, yes, you got me. So, I’m the Doctor, and you are?

Oh, come on. [The speaker is a stern blonde woman in her sixties, and she looks pretty skeptical.] We’re the first off-world colonists in history. Everyone on planet Earth knows who we are.

... You're the first. [He sounds awed, like he's just realising something.] The very first humans on Mars? Then - this is Bowie Base One? Number One? Founded July 1st 2058, established Bowie Base One in the Gusav Crater. … You’ve been here how long?

Seventeen months.

… 2059. It’s 2059 right now… [Suddenly, the penny drops, and the Doctor's hands fly to his head.] AWW! My head is so stupid, you’re Captain Adelaide Brooke! [He whirls to face the Australian man.] And Ed! You’re Deputy Edward Gold! [He turns, to a dark-haired, dark-eyed man.] Tarak Ital, MD. [A Russian, his friendly face breaking into a surprised smile at being called by name.] Nurse Yuri Kerenski! [A blonde German woman, looking incredibly confused by everything.] Senior Technician Steffi Ehlich! [A sullen-looking, sulky American boy, barely out of his teens:] Junior Technician Roman Groom! [And finally, a young, black-haired woman with almond-shaped eyes.] Geologist Mia Bennett! You’re only 27 years old…

[Adelaide is looking even more confused now, like she thinks the Doctor's mad.] As I said, Doctor… everyone knows our names.

Oh… [And here, he looks sad.] They’ll never forget them. … What’s the date, today? What is it, tell me the exact date.

November 21st, 2059.

Right. Okay, fine…

[Steffi speaks up. And right after her, so does Mia.] Is there something wrong? What’s so important about my age?

[The Doctor looks at them all, nodding to himself, and still looking incredibly shell-shocked.] I should… go… I really should go… I’m sorry. [He walks away from them, towards the door, and turns to face them.] I - I’m sorry, with all of my hearts. But - it’s one of those very rare times that I’ve got no choice. [They look at him, confused at his words and his pained expression. He steps forwards, a smile breaking on his face, and one by one, starts shaking their hands.] It’s been an honour. Seriously, a very great honour to meet you all! The Martian pioneers! Oh, thank you!

GADGET GADGET. [Ah. That would be the robot that the community's using to broadcast this. Which would explain the quality of the video. The Doctor turns to Adelaide and salutes her - and anyone who knows him? Knows that he never salutes.] Thank you. [He turns to go again, and then stops, something occurring to him...] There’s the other two, hold on. … Margaret Cain and Andrew Stone.

[Ed walks over to a computer and speaks into it.] Maggie? If you wanna meet the only new human being you’re gonna see in the next five years… better come take a look.

[There's no reply for a few seconds. Then, suddenly, there's a gargling, animalistic, inhuman roar over the intercom. And the feed cuts out.]

((OOC: Orangey font is Ed, Turquoise font is Adelaide, Green font is Steffi, Red font is Mia, and normal font is the Doctor. All replies to this post are ICly dated to a fifteen-minute window about an hour after the original post.))

the doctor [tenth]

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