The Cinnamon Challenge [Video]

Oct 03, 2010 00:41

[ Souji and Kanji face the camera together; for once where the community concerned, it's blatantly obvious that this is very intentionally being filmed. Souji grins widely as Kanji proffers him a spoonful of a reddish brown substance. ]

On the count of three?

[ Souji nods, crisp and affirmative. ]

You got this, Senpai.

[ No sooner does the word "three" leave Kanji's lips does Souji cram the spoon in his mouth, ingesting what is actually an entire tablespoon of cinnamon. Within only a few moments, Souji's face contorts into an awful grimace. Valiantly, he keeps it all in - although his hand flies to cover his mouth and nose. His throat muscles flex awkwardly, showing that he's having an enormously difficult time swallowing. Finally, he errupts into a fit of coughs, the cinnamon displacing from his mouth in a dusty cloud. Luckily, the kitchen sink is right nearby for him to start frantically rinsing his mouth out. ]


[ Souji gives a shaky exhale, his sputtering finally ceased thanks to Kanji's smart thinking of clapping him hard on the back a couple of times. ]

That was probably the foulest thing I've ever done.

[ Kanji nods, sympathetically, but there's a certain glimmer in his eyes that suggests he still thinks he can pull this off. ]

Me next. It's only fair 'n all.

[ Souji shakes his head slightly, knowing exactly what horror Kanji's got coming to him. But dutifully, he prepares a new tablespoon of the stuff for the other boy.

Kanji doesn't ask for a countdown; there's no hesitation at all as he throws his head back and all but dumps the cinnamon inside his mouth. Just as immediately, though, he begins choking on the stuff. More powdery clouds pollute the air around them and Kanji very nearly knocks Souji aside on his mad dash to gargle at the sink. ]

Ah, shit, goddamnit!

[ He shudders, still feeling the burn at the back of his throat where he tried to swallow but just couldn't get it down. ]

I think I'm gonna' puke...

souji seta, kanji tatsumi

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