[ video ]

Sep 18, 2010 14:23

[ As always, the video camera is a Haro. The view bounces a bit as he flaps down featureless hallways; soon enough, he comes across Michael, holding onto one of the handles meant to pull people down the hall.

That's only for a second, though; there's an almighty thump, then another, and the view spins wildly ]

OW! What the fuck, sis--

[ the view rights itself as the Haro makes alarmed sorts of noises, and Nena becomes visible, sitting on a vaguely broom-shaped piece of mechanical equipment, holding a baseball bat ]

It's space Quidditch! Hurry up and find a broom!

[ and she pushes off the wall and flies away, giggling madly as Michael shouts swears after her ]

nena trinity, michael trinity

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