Hallos, Ducks!
We heres ats de Mordhaus don'ts t'inks much abouts de soccers an' de Worlds Cups, even d'ough is goods for you, Spains!...But we t'inks maybe we gets to making monies wit' dose fucksing annoying vuvuzela horns. Sos we ams workings on new Dethmerch, an' I wants to knows whats you t'inks. Tooks me forever to get Managers persmission to shows de first prototypes, even d'ough you all ams from different worlds an' we gots good legal team, so you ams better bes appreskiatings it.
TA DAAAA [Toki produces
this rather grim looking thing.] Insteads of makes de annoying BRRRRRRRZZZZ sounds, it ams shoots out bloods. Still workings on de blood storages. Maybe tries to gets it to makes Nat'ans voice comes out of it.
((ooc: feel free to laugh at my Photoshop fail.))