cut for violence

Jun 27, 2010 01:28

[ it's late at night and there's a thumping in devil may cry's main office. down the stairs comes a grumpy Trish, wearing nothing more than an oversized tee-shirt of Dante's, sleepily rubbing her head. she hits some button (managing to smash it into the wooden wall itself).

she obviously doesn't expect anything when a blast of holy hadoken rips through the front of the shop, throwing her behind Dante's desk. ]

Wow, I liked this more when I did it. [ never mind that she's cut from glass and she's quickly healing from this. ]

You are the one that bares the face of the wife of Sparda.

[ the voice is hollow, yet booming. Trish snarls slightly before she shoves the desk in that direction. she doesn't even notice how fast holy water (not that anyone would know what it was ) thrown in her face. it causes her such a deep burn that she actually screams rather than making a smartass reply. before she can even recover from it, she's pinned up against a wall by a huge HOLY LOOKING SWORD OH SHIT and she slumps over. ]

Son of Sparda, if you wish not for your kin and friends to suffer this fate, t'would be wise to heed this warning.

[ooc; REPLIES ARE FROM TRISH IN THE MORNING. she's not. going to be pleased.]

dante sparda

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