[Accidental Video]

Jun 12, 2010 14:18

[Tyki's seated on the floor of a train, the rumble of the wheels and the hiss of steam audible over the video. But he doesn't look like himself - at least, not himself as he's usually seen on the community, with thick glasses and wild hair, and clothing that looks like it's been pulled out of a dumpster.

He's holding a hand of cards over a battered cardboard box which is being used as a makeshift table, playing against three other men, while a young boy with a mask over his mouth and nose watches from the side. One of the men is almost naked, and shivering, while Tyki and his friends look at him smugly over their cards.

Suddenly the door slides open and Allen Walker and Lavi walk in and exclaim.] Krory!

[The naked man, sniffling miserably looks up at them. Clearly he's Krory]

[Tyki also looks up with an exclamation of surprise] Oh, sorry~ This ain't the sorta place for kids! You ready for me to deal the next round, man?

[Krory is actually crying] B-b-but if I lose again.... [He indicates his boxer shorts miserably, the only scrap of clothing left]

[Allen steps forward and kneels down beside Krory, and they carry out a hushed conversation. Tyki leans forward towards Krory] Hey, you can't back out now. You some kinda pussy or somethin'? You made your bet already.

[Before it can get heated, Allen pulls off his Exorcist jacket and offers it to Tyki] The emblem on this is pure silver. How about we wager one hand against me, for all of Krory's clothes?

[Tyki looks doubtful for a moment, then laughs and starts dealing the cards] You got it, kid.

tyki mikk, what you always wanted virus

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