[Accidental Video]

May 08, 2010 16:18

[Zelgadiss is laying upside-down on his bed, staring at the computer which is also upside-down. At least, presumably that's why the floor is above him and his hair is hanging upward.

It could be why his cheeks are flushed as well, or that might be something else. Apparently he's been like this for a while, because as he sits up (And consequently, for the moment at least, turns upside-down from the video's point of view) he holds a hand up to his face to stifle a nosebleed. It takes him a moment to mop that up and turn the computer the right way up before laying down on his bed again.]

This is getting way too hard. It would be much easier if I didn't have this urge to ask someone else affected if they have any suggestions for dealing with this.

[There's a curious catch in his voice at "suggestions", and the pronouncement as a whole comes out rather more suggestively than he probably meant it.]

think sexy thoughts virus, zelgadiss graywords

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