[video | backdated a few days]

May 07, 2010 16:09

[The scene is America's house, just like last time - but unlike last time, America is nowhere to be seen, so it's safe to assume that he escaped to somewhere else in the house a short time ago.

However, the room you can see is in absolute chaos. Everything that can be smashed is smashed, everything that can be ripped is ripped, and anything that couldn't be either has been flipped over or thrown into a corner. Tables are broken in half. There are claw marks scratches down the walls and doors. It pretty much looks like a cyclone tore through the room.

Standing in the middle of the room and shredding an American flag methodically with a knife is Belarus, and she looks inexpressibly furious, muttering in rapid, incoherent Belarusian. The community catches little snippets of things - "filthy capitalist", "bastard duck community" - but the most audible part is what she snarls as she tears clean through the flag with her bare hands.]

Marriage is only for brother.

nataliya arlovskaya [belarus], alfred f. jones [america]

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