[video] now to go find images to make my icons appropriate. 8|;

May 01, 2010 08:39

[In what seems like a very clichéd interrogation room, three men stand around one another. Two of them wear the same black robe-like uniform and they have either their hands on their hips and their hands cross. They look at each other than at the person before them who sits somewhat anxiously in a very rickety, old chair. Anyone from Soul Society can immediately recognize them as Eleventh Squad members, however; something is strange with their Captain. Kenpachi wears a tidy suit, his long hair is pulled back into his ponytail and yes; he looks actually frightened.]

Zaraki-taichou. You're Zaraki Kenpachi. Greatest Captain of them all. But what the heck were you doing out on the street wearing... that?

I keep telling you I'm not Kenpachi Zaraki! I'm just a humble business man. So please. Take what you want, take all my money; just leave me in peace! I have a wife and two kids back home!

[... The two look at each other and they're stuck on whether to laugh or be genuinely concerned.]

W-Whoa, Taichou. If you didn't wanna go on a mission, you didn't have to go this far to pretend.

My name isn't Kenpachi!

kenpachi zaraki, opposite twin virus

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