[Video post]

Apr 30, 2010 17:48

[On the bed, Edward stirs finally. He had been heavily sedated to recover from the fight, and to avoid running back in. He groaned softly and opened his eyes, only to come face to face with the barrel of a gun.]

You startled me. [Came the unhappy voice of his twin.]

[Golden eyes wide, Edward stares in disbelief as the gun is withdrawn.] You're lucky Lieutenant Colonel Keehl ordered me to treat you like an ally even though, you're nothing but trash that needs to be taken out. [The twin grabs his broken automail and shakes it visciously] What kind of broken down excuse for a soldier are you?

[Edward frowns at him, but instead of directing his questions at the maniac sitting next to him on the bed, sharpening a knife, he checks out his device which is clearly recording.]

Jus' why am I sitting here threatening myself? [He sounds groggy and quite out of it, the sedatives making it so he hasn't even started to sit up yet.]

(Ooc: All replies video...he probably can't read text replies until he gets out of bed.)

edward elric, opposite twin virus

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