
Apr 15, 2010 17:00

[This? Would be a video of a certain lazyass with his feet propped up on the desk, a magazine over his face, and seeming to be fast asleep. Only those who know him might notice he's in his DMC3 attire, rather than his usual clothes. He's in his chair and doesn't look like he gives a damn where he is, until the phone rings out of nowhere.

With a groan, he turns his head, one eye barely peeking out from under the magazine, and rolling upwards in aggravation.]

Since when did the bar...? Oi, Enzo.

[No answer, the shop is quiet. Meanwhile, the phone keeps ringing. He shifts, annoyed, and turns away, covering his ears and yelling louder.]


[Still no answer. Now he's getting pissed off and really just wants to break something from waking him up. Two seconds later, he's up off his chair and shouting.]

ENZO YOU STUPID FUCK, PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE. I'm not paying your ass to sit there and ignore the phone calls for work- that's my job!

[When there's no reply, Dante lets out a snort, sighs, picks up the receiver, and then hangs up without even listening. It's quiet again, and as he goes to sit down- he finally notices where he is. And at that, he's grinning, walking around and then saying what he would typically tell his contractor on a daily basis.]

If that fucker left and took my money I'm gonna put a bullet in his ass.

[[Pre-DMC3 Dante, guys. Enjoy the crass boy and his attitude. All replies video.]]

regression virus, dante sparda

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