
Mar 23, 2010 19:42

You find the strangest websites bookmarked on company computers. But this certainly isn't the worst of what I've found before.

The name's Chris, and I'm a man currently with some time to kill.

Maybe with a little digging I'll find out who was using this computer before me.

chris redfield, intro

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touchofgenius March 24 2010, 03:07:19 UTC
Redfield? Heh. We've missed you!


Give him a bit, Birkin. He doesn't recognize you yet. 8D notzombiebait March 24 2010, 03:20:19 UTC
Missed me?

Do I know you?


All the better to toy with you Redfield~ touchofgenius March 24 2010, 03:24:51 UTC
Great he forgot again. Not personally, no. But your sister and I go way back. Your friend Wesker, too.


Pooooor Chris. Its going to be a long day for him. 8D notzombiebait March 24 2010, 03:33:15 UTC
My sister? How do you know Cla--


What the hell were you doing with a man like him.


You seem awful cut up about it touchofgenius March 24 2010, 03:35:29 UTC
You know. The usual.


Hits me right -here-. *Thumps chest* notzombiebait March 24 2010, 03:43:04 UTC
The usual? ...Were you a part of Umbrella?


Oh yeah I can tell touchofgenius March 24 2010, 03:49:00 UTC
Surprised your brain even still works that well after all the atrophy. I'm almost a little offended I didn't manage to leave more of a lasting impression on Claire, considering what I put her and Leon through. I'd have hoped I'd cause a lifetime of therapy.


.... dude, seriously. B| suplexing March 24 2010, 04:15:23 UTC
He's just trying to be creepy. :< He feels bad deep down inside touchofgenius March 24 2010, 12:41:27 UTC
Aw, c'mon Leon, lighten up! You're not the one out of the two of us that got shot.


Even so, man. Low blow. suplexing March 24 2010, 13:07:42 UTC
Actually, I did get shot, Birkin.

I just wasn't the one that ended up taking in the G Virus and mutating into something beyond human.


<3? touchofgenius March 24 2010, 13:13:25 UTC
I meant 'to death'. And she was just doing what she thought was right. She was always a bit emphatic when it came to defending me and my work.

Humanity's over-rated.


..... <3 suplexing March 24 2010, 13:21:49 UTC
And I understand that she was. She cared a lot about you and Sherry both.

You say that now.


/wins touchofgenius March 24 2010, 13:27:17 UTC
Shame she didn't care more about Sherry and less about me so they could have left Raccoon well before any of that happened. Though I guess without you around to kill it, they would have just been hunted down by the T-103 anyway.

It's hard to miss something you never really had.


I FEEL THE NEED TO MENTION IT WAS RELUCTANT. :T suplexing March 24 2010, 14:58:51 UTC
... that's not exactly something I like thinking about.



... /still wins B| touchofgenius March 24 2010, 18:26:18 UTC
Couldn't agree more, that's why I usually avoid you like the plague.

Metaphors are completely lost on you, aren't they?


/will never admit it suplexing March 24 2010, 19:09:55 UTC
I thought that was because you couldn't stand my scathing one-liners.

More like I'd like to be a bit more optimistic with people.


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