[You see Tatsumi, with
long hair and a coat walking towards a sea-shore. There’s and old man, a soothsayer, waiting for him in front of a rock with a bag of runes in his hands. Tatsumi ‘s face is neutral but his tone of voice is controlled and dangerous. ]
South you said. South we went. Still no stone. Do you now propose we start swimming?
Sire, I've merely relayed to you what the runes have told me. I can do no more.
Well, consult them again. [the soothsayer is about to do so when Septimus halts him] Wait! Before we seek the stone... I have another question: Am I the seventh son?
[the soothsayer throws the runes and reads them after they fall with three joined together and one leaning away, with the runic symbols uppermost]
Another question. Is my favourite colour brow? [the soothsayer throws the runes once more and reads them]
Has excessive begging or pleading ever persuaded me to spare the life of a traitor? [the soothsayer nervously throws the runes and is afraid when they turn over scattered away from each other, with the blank side uppermost]
What does that mean?
That means "no".
Good! [Tatsumy smirks.] Throw them again. This time throw them high. [the soothsayer throws the runes high in the air.]
[while the runes are mid-air] Do you work for my brother?
[the runes come down and read "yes". Septimus removes his dagger and kills the soothsayer. The video fades to black.]