
Mar 07, 2010 11:52

[The video shows a dimly-lit laboratory in Umbrella's Arklay Research Facility, on the sub-basement level of the Spencer Estate. The largest part of the lab is taken up by the rows of tall, tube-shaped specimen tanks in the centre of the room, and the walls are lined with monitoring equipment. Most of the screens are blank.

A familiar figure in a black bulletproof vest stands at the far end of the lab, tapping on a computer keyboard with their back to their room. Even though the lab is dark, with the only illumination coming from the computer monitor and the lighting around the specimen tanks, the figure is wearing black sunglasses.

From the front of the lab, Rebecca and a younger Chris Redfield, both in their old S.T.A.R.S. uniforms, approach the figure. Rebecca hangs back a little, letting Chris speak first.] Wesker.

[The Captain of Alpha Team continues to type, replying without turning around.] So you've come. Chris, you make me proud. Of course, you are one of my men.

[Chris sounds sarcastic.] Thanks.

[Without warning, Wesker turns, pulling a handgun on them. Rebecca takes a small step back, but Chris doesn't move. He seems unsurprised.] Since when, Wesker?

[Wesker sounds amused.] I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.

[Chris's voice rises.] Since when have they been slipping you a paycheck?!

[Wesker doesn't reply immediately. Instead, he approaches Chris slowly, gun trained on him.] I think you're a bit confused. I've always been with Umbrella. And S.T.A.R.S. were Umbrella's...no, rather my little piggies. [He pauses, letting that sink in.] The Tyrant Virus leaked, polluting this whole place, and unfortunately I have to give up my lovely members of S.T.A.R.S.

[Chris lifts his hand, pointing at Wesker accusingly. His voice shakes with fury.] You killed them with your own dirty hands! You son of a bitch!

[Rebecca steps backwards, staring at Wesker with wide eyes. Her voice is low. She doesn't want to believe it.] No...

[Wesker continues to point his gun at Chris, not looking at her.] Oh yes, dear. Just like this...

[The gun swings from Chris to Rebecca, and Wesker fires once, hitting her squarely in the centre of the chest. She's thrown back by the impact, collapsing on the floor of the lab as Chris shouts her name.] Rebecca!

[Wesker returns the gun to Chris, stopping him from going to her.] Don't move.

[The video cuts out.]

[[You can watch the scene here, if you like. The relevant part is 1:05-2:15.]]

memory lane virus, albert wesker, rebecca chambers

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