Feb 05, 2010 01:50
You see a room, which some of you may know as Prussia's. But more importantly, you see two people: one is Prussia, the other one is a woman about the same age as him, with long brown hair wearing a white and green uniform, arguing with him.
"So what you're saying is that this... thing there-" she points at the recording device, "caused some sort of fog that made your people go insane."
She looks at him, and there is some disbelief in her voice.
"Well, it's not like I'm asking you to believe me," he scowls, looks away, and she shoots the recording device a worried look.
"So basically... that... device, whatever it is, can cause dangerous things to happen to a nation and their entire population?"
She frowns, then turns to Prussia again.
"Why haven't you destroyed it yet?"
((ooc: For your interest, they're talking in German. The comm translates for convenience, but if your character speaks German too, noticing is encouraged! And posted with Lylith's permission, of course.))
ivan braginski [russia],
feliciano vargas [italy veneziano],
nena trinity,
randy "ryo" maclean,
mitsuru kirijo,
antonio fernandez carriedo [spain],
magdalene "blind mag" defoe,
maraich juschenefe,
gilbert beilschmidt [prussia],
issei ryudo,
elizabeta héderváry [hungary],
ban midou,
karen minazuki [cure aqua]