[Accidental Video]

Dec 30, 2009 00:57

[The video shows the inside of something that, judging by the sounds coming from outside, seems to be similar to a helicopter, but larger. It's dark, lit faintly by some buttons and monitors, but mostly by the moonlight coming in from outside courtesy of a wide, open door, through which you might vaguely be able to pick out a ruined city, and the sea. There are a number of people standing around in here. Most of them are wearing black and grey armor. Members of the community might recognize three of these people- Motoko, Batou, and Togusa. Motoko and Togusa are standing on the edge next to the opening, each holding on with one arm. Batou and a man with a face that looks as if half of it had been somehow twisted upwards and stuck that way, dressed in a black suit, stand facing them. Farther back, a man with one normal and one prosthetic eye which looks a bit like an eyepatch seems to be glaring at everyone, and a man with a thin face and slicked back hair is waiting. Refusing to conform to the dress code, along with the man in black, is an old man with wild hair, dressed in a grey suit and standing off to the side. He is the only person not wearing a parachute.

Motoko looks seriously at the man with the twisted face, and speaks with a clear, confident tone.]

Gohda-san. I understand you have overall authority on this operation, but you're to follow our instructions while we're in the field. [Her voice drops a bit and takes on a harsh edge.] Otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety. [She returns to the clear voice of before.] Tandem jump with Batou there.

[The man, Gohda, speaks.] I look forward to it. [He doesn't sound too sure of that.]

[Motoko leans back.] We're going first! [With that, she jumps, immediately followed by Togusa.

Batou watches, then looks up. His face is stern, but his voice is casual.]

Well, I guess we should get going, too.

[Gohda looks back at him.] I'm not very fond of this sort of thing. [In fact, he sounds afraid.]

[Batou smirks.] Glad to hear it.

[They jump, more because of Batou pushing Gohda forward than anything else. Gohda does not take it well, and lets out a strangled scream.

The old man in the suit watches impassively, and turns to face the people remaining in the vehicle as the video cuts out.]

(( With the permission of my lovely and talented canonmates, Toph and Kuruma! All replies assumed to be hours later, once the mission is over. ))

motoko kusanagi

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