(no subject)

Dec 22, 2009 19:58

All right. It's time to do something useful ducks, now that you're not all hopped up on LSD and pot and the like.

The following videos are both made of epic win. So you're going to vote, got it?

image Click to view

Shorecrest - About two hundred students involved. Shot in one continuous run. No edits. No stops. Just pure win.


image Click to view

Shorewood - 500 students, one continuous run, no edits, no stops, etc. Difference? The singers are all singing the song backwards so that when they ran the video in reverse their mouths matched the lyrics but everything else was in reverse.



ETA: I forgot to mention this is a school rivalry between the two so your vote helps decide which of the schools has a better video. Don't dash these poor children's dreams. You all remember what it was like to be in high school, right? You should. It was like.... five seconds ago that you all were.

sam puckett

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