[She smirks] He's an inventor, and he's come up with a few things of his own that are pretty odd.
[She tilts her head in thought.] Wrap your tail around your waist like a belt, keep your hat on, put some concealer on your hand and pray you don't grow whiskers?
Well, a bomb that went off with the colors of a rainbow for a building demolition or a camera that looked and moved like a grasshopper, things like that.
If Tatsumi-kun has been here long enough he should be used to things like this by now, I wouldn't worry.
Well, that's a shame. I would have loved to see it.
Yes, he is. The blonde boy who won the crossdressing pageant. He works as the mascot for Junes as some kind of... teddie bear. The fur on his suit is surprisingly soft and silky...
If you're able to come by the estate, I'll show you my workshop. Hakuba has seen it already. Have you ever tried assembling a garage kit before?
[Ears droop a bit.] W-Well, for some reason, I've been thinking about him a lot this morning... I guess with everything that's happened recently, I'm worried how he's holding up...
It's where Grampa showed me how to build watches, and Father taught me the basics for mechanical engineering. [There is a wistful smile on her face as she says that.]
We'll be seeing each other today at school soon enough.
[She shrugs] I told him it was a chemical gone bad. He seemed to accept it.
[And then looks at the computer] ...You have kitty ears.
Erm... yes. And a tail, too. [The tail flicks into view momentarily.] And there's this strange tattoo on the back of my right hand...
[She raises it toward the camera. Written in English is the word "Dauntless".]
I can't make heads or tails of any of this. And I have to find a way to hide everything while I'm out in public.
[She smirks] He's an inventor, and he's come up with a few things of his own that are pretty odd.
[She tilts her head in thought.] Wrap your tail around your waist like a belt, keep your hat on, put some concealer on your hand and pray you don't grow whiskers?
That's what I intend to do. I hope Kanji-kun won't freak out too much when he sees me like this... [twitches an ear]
Well, a bomb that went off with the colors of a rainbow for a building demolition or a camera that looked and moved like a grasshopper, things like that.
If Tatsumi-kun has been here long enough he should be used to things like this by now, I wouldn't worry.
He, um... really likes cute things, though... He was always trying to get Teddie to let him pet his ears, because they looked soft...
[She shrugs again] I think something happened to it, to be honest. Broke or ran out of batteries or something like that. I haven't seen it in ages.
...Isn't Teddie that guy from the pageant?
Yes, he is. The blonde boy who won the crossdressing pageant. He works as the mascot for Junes as some kind of... teddie bear. The fur on his suit is surprisingly soft and silky...
He could probably make another if I asked. He likes to do things like that.
That makes it a lot less creepy. And understandable. Still, I doubt he'd infringe on your personal space once he's asked and been shot down.
Well, um... If it was Kanji-kun... [blushing a bit] I might not really mind...
[For some reason, Naoto has been thinking about Kanji-kun a lot since getting the ears. Wonder why?]
[She smiles] I'll ask him sometime. He'd probably enjoy a visitor that's not an elementary school student.
Ooh? Is that so? [She's got that grin going again]
[Ears droop a bit.] W-Well, for some reason, I've been thinking about him a lot this morning... I guess with everything that's happened recently, I'm worried how he's holding up...
[Shakes her head] Never had much of an interest in them. But I would like to see the workshop sometime.
[Smiles] I'm sure he's fine. He's pretty good at taking care of himself, it seems. But it certainly wouldn't hurt to check in on him I'm sure.
We'll be seeing each other today at school soon enough.
[She smiles softly] Sounds like an important place for you then.
...Can you wear your hat during class?
[nodding] Of course. No one has given me any trouble about it before. But it'll be a bit uncomfortable...
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