[The screen flickers on to a scene just outside the Gerudo Fortress, where several dark-skinned, red-haired women are seen fighting off hordes of
ReDeads, the zombies of Hyrule. A faint gasp can be heard nearby, a hand clad in a pink glove seen for a second, and then the screen is filled with fire before blacking out and only able to pick up sounds. The battle still continues down below, and she snickers.]
I've been gone for far too long, haven't I? So to whom does the blame go to for hordes of powered-up ReDeads coming out of nowhere - Rufus, this doesn't seem to be your type of battle, so I suppose it's the community's fault, isn't it?
[She pauses, yelling something in the Gerudo language, then sighs.]
Of course it couldn't think of a nicer way to demand my return. At least the Gibdos were still dumb enough to take care of quickly, but these ReDeads are absolutely relentless. We've held them off for several hours, and they just don't give up. Just as well...
[Another laugh, her voice growing softer as she stands, a metallic sound echoing in the speakers.]
It has been awhile since we Gerudo have had a decent battle. I bid you farewell, dear community, but only until our pest problem has been taken care of.
[A war cry, and then the sounds of battle once more before the sound abruptly cuts out.]
[All replies are later in the evening, once the ReDeads are under control.]