Oct 24, 2009 16:09

[Hibari is seen glaring at the camera. To the viewer, one can see how tangled his hair looks. There's also a couple of small scratches that are either dried with blood or fresh. His school uniform has also earned a fair share of scratches and dark spots. But he seems unconcerned with the small injuries or his ruined uniform as he addresses the camera]

What's up with the crowding herbivores that don't seem to stay down? Wao, they're pretty strong for getting back up, even after you've heard a bone or two break. But still, the destruction of school property is not something they will get away with on my watch.

[He holds up his tonfas -which have spikes coming out from them- to symbolize his point. Gripping the handles before lowering the tonfas, slightly.]

But I will give them credit for their determination, whatever it may be for a group of pathetic beings. Though, I refuse to praise them for their persistent attitudes because they are disrupting my order. And they will be dealt with as needed. I will also go after the individuals responsible for this un-orderly mess. Let this serve as your one and only warning, yo.

In the meantime, what's going on bitches? Surely someone here has a reasonable answer and I expect one as such.

(ooc; attempting to bring back his voice as it has been dead to me)

zombie event, hibari kyoya

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