
Sep 27, 2009 13:15

Hey girls and creatures that go by the name of 'guys', it's time for a new segment of iCarly called...

[Pushes a blue button on her remote control and words flash on the screen with a guy's voice:


Tonight, I present to you a list of things that suck.

1. The dentist!
2. Teachers, especially principals and their punishment giving abilities.
3. Girl's Choice dances. Wait, scratch that. Dancing in general just sucks.
4. School sucks. Big time.

And what's at the top of Sam's list of things that suck?

[Pushes a button and the word pops up as she says it, her finger underlining the word.]


That's right folk. Dentists, teachers, dancing, school ,and especially boys, all SUCK!

See you next time.


[And the show cuts off.]

sam puckett

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