Yay 4chan!

Aug 11, 2009 11:11

My, my, my. The things that turn up on that site! It's positively addicting!

(ooc context: So, ICly, Kanzeon trawled 4chan for pics of community members. While there is nothing explicit under the cut, the sensual nature of a few images make it slightly nsfw. I have obtained permission from the muns of almost all the characters depicted herein. As usual threadjacking in this post is a-okay and encouraged! For those I missed, I apologize. I'll get to you next time I have her post one of these!

And before I forget, to the newbies Kanzeon is a voyeur and her mun likes permission for her to be a voyeur. Thanks.)

Awwww~ Now isn't this sweet. Now if I didn't know any better I'd swear these two were dating. ♥

It needs to be said: Souji makes for one hot chick. And a badass one if that shinai is anything to go by!

AHAHAHA! Issei, you are so adorable! I can't express in words how much this image makes my heart melt!

Next birthday, Azula's getting a strawberry cake.

And here is one Suou Tamaki being his usual charming self!

My! So handsome! He should go into modeling!

Much like this young lady here! She's got nothing to hide!

Working that hat, Elphaba. It makes you look a bit like a flower, don't you think?

And here's a happy couple enjoying a little alone time. Aren't they sweet, ladies and gentlemen?

....Minato, what are you doing during your off hours? And who is that young man in the corner? I thought you were courting that Koizumi fellow or was I mistaken?

kanzeon bosatsu

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