[voice and vid]

Jul 08, 2009 15:38

[A feminine voice is heard]

Okay, so that was 'alt-tab' to toggle screens. [The sound of keyboard tapping] There we go! Wait .. [Video kicks on, showing a rather surprised looking Mahoney] What is ..? [She furrows her brows slightly, a small pile of papers held in her hand as she looks curiously at the minimized image of herself, transmitting now on its own]

Well, now, what's this? Oh, what have you done now? [She seems to be musing to herself, a smile replacing the curious frown as she hits a few more keys] Where have you taken me to? Drama Drama Duck? [She cants a brow, smiling a bit wryly] Well, that's certainly new. I wonder if Mr. Magorium knows anything about this..

Well, I guess I shouldn't be suprised, should I? This really isn't the strangest thing that I've seen this place do before. I'm obviously broadcasting somewhere, the only question is where and to whom?

Umm .. Hi .. I'm Mahoney .. Can anyone actually see this or is the shop playing a game with me?


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