[video playback // dreams virus]

Jun 30, 2009 03:10

[The view is of the projection room at the planetarium, with the huge projector known as Miss Jena standing in the background. Five adults stand before the "camera", each holding something that appears to be a gas mask.]

Mr. Manager, it seems that there is some abnormality in Miss Jena right now. [says a young woman's voice that sounds both polite and friendly. It sounds like it's coming from behind the camera, or perhaps, is part of it.] The fixed-star lightbulbs of the southern and northern hemispheres are no longer attached. As the next projection is in 22 minutes, I believe it is necessary to rectify this abnormality immediately.

It's alright, Reverie. You have nothing to worry about. [One of the adults is a middle-aged man. He appears slightly distressed, and the words he says seem to be more for his comfort than for Reverie's.]

Listen closely, Revvie. [another of the adults says, this one a young woman.] For a little while, all of us... will be going on a trip.

Ah, a trip. How wonderful!

So we want you to look after this place for us while we're gone. We want you to wait for us here until we come back, okay? [The young woman's voice is clearly shaking.]

Acknowledged. Then, when would be the estimated time of your return?

We don't know yet.

[The video tilts slightly to the side.]

In that case, does that mean you will all be going on an indefinite vacation?

I suppose... no, it may take a long time for us to come back, but then again, it also might take a very short time.

And where might you be going? I am sure that it is a very fun place.

[The adults have now all fallen silent. At last, the man known as "Mr. Manager" steps forward.]

Understand this, Reverie. We will come back without fail. We will come back, every single one of us. When that time comes, let's work together once again.

Yes sir, Mr. Manager.

[After another moment's quiet, each of the adults speaks in turn. A human would easily be able to tell that they were putting a brave face on.]

Revvie, see you soon...

Later, Reverie.

We'll see you again soon, so wait for us, okay, Reverie?

Revvie... [The last staff member, a girl, unable to summon the words, throws her mask to the ground and embraces the one behind the camera.] This can't be happening...! It's wrong, it's all wrong! Because... we can't just leave her here... we can't just abandon Revvie here... that's, that's... just wrong...! Because Revvie is our colleague, right? She's our friend, right? She's the hardest worker among all of us, right? There's nothing that separates us from Revvie... we can't just... we can't just leave her in a place like this...

I am a robot. A vacation is not necessary for the likes of me. However, I believe that all of you are in need of a vacation.

Revvie... [The girl breaks down crying, tears streaming down her face.] ...sorry, Revvie, so sorry, to have to leave you here all alone... I'm sorry, I'm sorry... [Her voice falls deeper and deeper into despair, until her sobs threaten to tear her apart. Her weeping causes the other staff members to begin to cry, until all five adults are in tears.]

Everyone, why are you crying? Have I made yet another careless blunder? Have I made a huge mistake or something? If that is the case, then I truly, truly beg your pardon.

Revvie, that's not it... that's not it at all. It's just... [This voice is calmer than the others, although still filled with tears.] It would have been better if we could all go together. If you could come with us, then... it would be much more fun. It's just, that's... the way I was thinking... [Even this calm voice now becomes choked with tears, but Reverie's still sounds as bright as ever.]

Please, do not worry about me. I am willing to wait forever. I will wait forever for your return, with Miss Jena. So please, leave this place to me during your absence. I will work my hardest in order not to make any big mistakes. Please have fun on your trip, everyone.


dream virus

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