Dream Virus [Backdated to day 1]

Jun 29, 2009 22:36

[Rebecca is standing in a long, poorly lit hallway that stretches out before her. The hall is lined with closed doors, and the far end disappears into shadow. She's wearing her old S.T.A.R.S. uniform, and she's unarmed. From somewhere behind her comes the unmistakable shriek of a Hunter, a sound like nails down a chalkboard.

Glancing over her shoulder with frightened eyes, she runs to the nearest door and pulls it open. A large dog, its flesh rotting and ribcage exposed, leaps at her with a growl, jaws gaping. Gasping, she slams the door in its face. Without pausing, she hurries to the next door. When she opens it a huge spider lunges at her, fangs exposed. Backpedaling hurriedly, she closes the door before it reaches her.

The Hunter screams again, closer this time, and she continues to run down the hall, opening doors at random. There's a giant snake behind one door, scales rasping as it rears back to strike with a sharp hiss, and cages filled with screeching monkeys behind another. One room is full of mutated leeches swarming over the walls and floor, one contains an enormous scorpion, and in another Wesker and Birkin are watching dozens of security monitors, all showing shots of the hallway from different angles. They look up when she opens the door, then go back to watching the screens as soon as she leaves.

At the end of the hall is one last door, and she hits it at a run, her breath coming now in hitched sobs. It's unlocked, and opens to reveal a dark closet full of stained, moth-eaten coats. Without looking back, she steps inside quickly and pulls the door closed behind her.

She fumbles at the handle, but there's no lock. The sound of claws clicking against timber right outside is muffled but still audible. She retreats further into the closet, holding her breath, until her back collides with something - someone - solid. A large hand covers her mouth, stifling her startled scream, and another rests on her hip, pulling her back securely against a firm chest. A streak of black ink can be seen on the forearm attached to the hand at her hip, and a husky voice murmurs in her ear.] Keep it down, dollface. Do you want it to hear us?

[The hand lifts from her mouth, and she turns, looking up at the closet's other occupant in the murky light that filters around the edge of the door. She says his name, but it's covered by the cry of the Hunter outside. He holds one finger to his lips, warning her to keep her voice down, then leans towards her, smirking.] Miss me, princess?

[She opens her mouth to retort, but the sound of her alarm clock interrupts and the dream ends.]

[OOC: L-late! Apologies for being so behind with this one ;; Tags, if any, will be excruciatingly slow; it's late and I have to work in the morning, so I'll reply when I get home tomorrow. Blue is Billy, fyi.]

dream virus, rebecca chambers

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