(no subject)

May 21, 2009 16:41

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for my behavior. I was fully aware of what I was doing, and I know this might be hard to believe, but I was unable to control my actions. It was hard for me to sit there watching what I was doing and being unable to stop myself. Therefore, I thought it would be best for me to tell everyone how sorry I am and hope that you will be able to forgive me.

My behavior towards the members of this community aren't the only things that I am sorry for; my actions recently are another issue that I am sorry for, but this isn't the place for me to find some resolve or come to terms for what I've done. I would like to tell Sheva how sorry I am once more. You have no idea how thankful I am that you have been Chris' partner and went though all that effort and work to help him even when his actions might have been illogical.

Chris.. You are so stubborn, but if you had given up on me when you thought I was dead, I doubt I would be here today. I guess we're even for me jumping at Wesker and saving your life. When things get back to normal, I'll have to take you out for steak or something.

For those of you who might not recognize me and those who are new to this community; my name is Jill Valentine and three years ago I was assumed dead. Chris Redfield and I were on an assignment when I risked my life to save him from getting killed. When they were unable to find my body I was assumed dead after so many days, but I was in fact a life. Albert Wesker survived the fall and took my body with him. He gave me all the medical attention I needed, but I was placed into a cryogenic sleep as he tested his new virus on me.

Unlike most of the hosts for this new strain of virus, I did not reject it. Of course, Wesker and Birkin were intrigued by this and continued to test on me. The reason why I did not reject the virus was due to the T-Nemisis vaccine I had in my body. It created an anti-body for the new virus that was in me. Wesker used this to his advantage and placed me with a device that would inject me with a certain amount of the virus when needed as well as a component that allowed him to control my actions. Therefore, I had no control over what I was doing and was a puppet.

He used me to sell and distribute Uroboros, something that I was against, and he also used me to fight against Chris and Sheva. As I did this, I was going mad. I wanted to stop, but there was nothing that I could do.

Now that I am safe, Chris and Sheva are off to kick Weskers ass once and for all. The Uroboros Porject must be stopped and I wish them the best of luck.

For those of you that don't know, I will inform you of what this project is.

The Uroboros Virus was designed to take humanity to the next step of human evolution. A black, gooey, and leech-like substance, the Uroboros Virus is adapted from the Progenitor Virus, but contains its own unique properties that sets it apart.

After perfecting the Uroboros Virus, Wesker began to test it in Kijuju, drawing the attention of the BSAA. The virus, which resembles a thick, gooey, and leech-like substance, is able to bond with a host's DNA that effectively forces the host's evolution. However, successful cases are rare, with most hosts rejecting the virus. When the virus is rejecting, it breaks free from the host's skin, and becomes a large, slimy mass that is capable of moving on its own. It has only one goal in mind -- to absorb other organic material to increase its mass and strength.

jill valentine, albert wesker, sheva alomar, william birkin, chris redfield

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