(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 17:55

Wow, it's been a hell of a day. When hasn't my life been bizarre since that fucking car accident? I want to go home and be normal again! Shito and I were egging each other on, like normal. And I, uh, kinda didn't realize my damned arm had come off. Shit-head totally got in my face about it, too. ...Guess he's maybe kinda got a point. Just this once! How the hell do you LOSE YOUR ARM and not notice???. No biggie, I noticed right away and went back for it... only this girl was standing like, right on it! I don't know how the hell she didn't notice it. We got it back okay, though. Is she totally blind or what?

So then later at lunch wow she is SUCH a fucking pushover, unbelievable we saw her again, and she totally freaked out on us. Like, actually passed out at our feet. She's kinda cute without her glasses. But such a fucking pushover, seriously.

And then later we were fighting this dog zombie what a waste of time! Hardly enough bounty to make it worth breaking a sweat for, I can't keep this up! ...at least the dog got sent on. It was a good dog, didn't deserve that shit and she saw us switch arms and kill the thing. Then she blurted out something about coming to warn us because of the black rings around our neck, and bolted when we weren't looking.

I dunno what the fuck is going on, or what we're gonna do now. This is the first time anyone has found out - other than the people on this comm, I mean. We are so totally fucked and I don't mean in a good way.

shito tachibana, chika akatsuki

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