Ciao! Bonjour! Hallo! Konnichiwa! Hola!

Jan 27, 2009 21:16

Ah, greetings to you all! What a magnificent haul Johnny has had, my friend! This was one of the most successful clashes we've ever had. We ransacked an entire elite storehouse right in the midst of the International Police Force, and it turns out we have far more than we were planning on. We're literally bogged down with goods and treasures in our hold.

It'll be at least two days before we reach a town, so I've decided to off-load a few goods here. Come! Tell me of your latest trials and tribulations, share some wisdom with me, tell a story, whatever. If I think it's worth something nice, I'll send something to you.

Now, who's first to share with Johnny, hm?
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