(no subject)

Jan 06, 2009 22:06

Kinda discovered this place while playing around with Tails' computer...lil' guy  has a bit of a habit of leavin' it out while he's workin' on the Tornado. I just thought  this whole journal thing would be good to work out my thoughts...well that, and to kill time while waitin' for my little buddy to finish up his shop work.. Mostly that. Anyway, after a few strange encounters with communities somehow filled with people fascinated with me hooking up with my friend Amy (Hey, don't get me wrong, she's a friend and all, but that's as far as it goes between us! Besides, she's way too violent! If you've seen the hammer she carries around, you'd wish you had super-speed too!), I came upon this community. It sounded cool, but  I'm not exactly a duck...will a blue hedgehog do? ;)
So what exactly is this place about? It seems to be some kinda...inter-dimensional doorway, or somethin'.

[[ooc: Continuity of my Sonic is pre-Sonic Adventure 2, post-Sonic Adventure, if you guys were wondering. ^^ Any other questions about him, just ask. I don't bite. :D]]
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