(no subject)

Jul 22, 2008 17:08

Well, I was pretty bored and decided to see what local sites Heatherfield had handy. And the first thing to load up on my computer was this-

Dramadramaduck? What kind of name is that? Is it a theater group here or what? Though from my guess plenty of people already question the name as it is. Drama and ducks usually aren't usually associated. Specially if you have a lot of teenage members who aren't dramatic enough to 'get it'. Not that there isn't anything to 'get', just its an odd name... Geeze, I'm just talking myself in circles now! I'm going to sound like my mom if I keep it up. The world does not need two Vandom's who can't speak straight.

Guh, what I’m trying to get at is, uh- Man, I sound liked the biggest idiot around. As if I needed that title finalized.

Er.. Hi, I'm Will, its nice to meet you? I just moved here from Faddenhills and I.. like frogs and swimming..?

will vandom, intro

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