Thoughts on Alternate Hound Sculpts

Jan 17, 2009 20:25

When Real Life stinks, it’s a good time to play dolls….

So my waterline leak still isn’t fixed, but it’s slower and containable. I just hope it stays that way until a plumber comes on Monday. Meantime, the weather is getting just slightly better. Started out at one lousy degree this morning, but when the sun came out it quickly climbed all the way to ten! Then we lost the sun to the clouds and the wind kicked up again, so even though it’s twenty degrees out there now, it feels worse than it did at ‘ten and sunny.’

OK, then, enough whining about the weather - it really is a boring topic. On to the boys!

I have a few Dollshe regrets. The biggest of course, it not realizing how much I loved Bermann while he was still obtainable for less than the cost of a good used car. I suppose I’m in good company there - a lot of folks missed out. Another is that I failed to appreciate the Hound IM sculpt while there were still heads available for purchase at Tensiya. I’ve seen several since with faceups that I really like, and I would like to own one someday. Right now there seem to be few around, though.

The SA sculpt is another story. I saw it and thought “sleep head” and had initially decided against it until Gideon made me sit up and take notice. Although Gid’s SA Hound head is slightly modded, his eyes are still very narrow, but his range of expression with those semi-closed eyes amazes me. What I thought was a limiting sculpt actually lends itself to so many different expressions. But Gideon isn’t my only SA guy. I also have the guy I picked up to be a body donor for Gideon. According to the previous owner, his is a Tensiya default faceup, and he was going to be Asher’s alternative sleep head, but his faceup colors are just too different, and I find I don’t want either of them repainted. So what to do?

Why, find a new character for the other SA guy! Easy, huh? But what kind of character? Should he be laid back and mellow, but with an air of mystery?

Or maybe a little bit nerdy?

Or even snobbish, with a tendency to look down his long pointy-but-elegant nose at all the little people?

I’m thinking there’s no way this guy is going to settle for sitting in a drawer only to be brought out when Asher takes a nap…. But I’d love to hear what YOU think.

dollshe, asher, gideon, hound, bermann

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