To Logo or Not to Logo, That is the Question...

Jan 12, 2012 17:57

I am trying to get more serious about my doll photography; really, my photography in general, about 90% of which uses my dolls as subjects. With that in mind I recently acquired my first DSLR and have been exploring principles of photography from the ground up. There is SO much to learn!

One thing that has intrigued me for a while is that many budding and hobby photographers seem to find it necessary (or simply satisfying) to label their online photos with some sort of watermark or logo. Six years ago, when I first began my sojourn into the BJD hobby/habit, I didn't see much of this labeling thing, whatever it's technically called - but now it's everywhere.

So I have some questions for those who use a logo - or label, or watermark - on their photos.

First off, why do you do it?

Secondly, is there some kind of etiquette or a set of accepted guidelines to keep in mind when developing your own logo, or is it purely personal choice that dictates what the logo contains and how it looks?

For those of you who have multiple online user names, how did you decide which name(s) to utilize to label your photographs?

I have more questions, but that's enough for now.  I do hope some of my LJ friends will weigh in with their comments and opinions - I'm really curious about this!

Below, Issachar, my newly arrived Iplehouse EID Kamau, test-drives a potential logo for me. I'm far from sure I will use it, but I do like the idea of sticking with something relatively simple and uncluttered.

eid, logo, iplehouse, kamau, photography, issachar, bjd

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