Auto response from NoDayButToday585 (11:00:45 PM): watching the republican national convention just trying to figure why on earth anyone would want to vote bush in for office again.
anyone wanna help me figure this out?
sO1519Xo (11:00:45 PM): umm because we want another 2 million people to lose their jobs, we want to increase the deficit from
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-Sept. 11 and all this war was planned during Clinton (D) years.
-Kerry wants to increase taxes on gas for everyone, 50 cents a gallon on taxes...
-Bush's tax reductions have saved 9 million dollars for middle class families.
-Kerry says he wants to do things like help us in the war...from 1992 till 2000 john kerry was in the foreign intelligence commitee he missed 80% of the meetings.In the year after the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, Kerry was absent for every single one.
-In 1994 kerry proposed an Amendment to cut the intelligence commitee's budget 6 BILLION dollars.
-75 Senators, Including Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Voted Against Kerry's Amendment.
-Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI) Warned Kerry's Proposed Cut "Would Severely Hamper" Intelligence Efforts.
-Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) Said Previous Cuts "As Deep As The Intelligence Community Can Withstand."
-Sen. DeConcini Claimed Kerry Would Cut Intel By $6 Billion Over Six Years: "Mr. President, the Kerry amendment includes a $1 billion cut in fiscal year 1994 and $5 billion over the next 5 years from intelligence activities."
-John Kerry Pledged at he DNC that he will raise the budget for Inteligenc commitee. There's what john Kerry says and what John Kerry does.
-John Kerry Voted to cut supplies for troops in Iraq and Afganistan by 40%...and you think our troops are dieing now?
-John Kerry trashed president Bush for realigning troops in the foreign countries... only 2 weeks earlier he suggested the very same thing!!
-Kerry Voted 98 Times For Tax Increases Totaling More Than $2.3 Trillion.
-Kerry Voted At Least 126 Times Against Tax Cuts Totaling More Than $5.3 Trillion.
-Kerry Voted Against 2001 And 2003 Bush Tax Cuts.
-Kerry Voted Twice For Largest Tax Increase In U.S. History.
-Kerry Voted For Higher Taxes On Social Security Benefits At Least Eight Times.
-Kerry Voted Against Marriage Penalty Relief At Least 22 Times
-Kerry Voted Against Expanding Child Tax Credit At Least 18 Times.
-Kerry Voted For Higher Gas Taxes On The Middle Class 10 Times And He Once Supported A 50 Cent A Gallon Gas Tax Increase.
-Kerry Sponsored And Voted For Motion To Kill Marriage Penalty Relief For Couples Earning Less Than $50,000 Per Year. "Kerry, D-Mass., motion to table (kill) the Gramm, R-Texas, amendment … The Gramm amendment
After reading this do you really think Kerry is better?
if you hate bush so much then get this, he does what he has prmoised, he does what he needs to gets done.
Kerry lies like its good for him if you can't read^
Can you trust someone who is a liar?
do you want a Liar for a president?
I supported it with Facts. now back yourself up. make kerry sound better and i will applaud you.try for it i dare you...
-Kerry has proposed creating quasi-judicial panels to screen out frivolous lawsuits against doctors that help cause medical malpractice insurance costs to soar. He would not rule out more 'punitive' measures than are in his plan. 'I think that's the beginning place,' he said. 'I think it has to be on the table
Then see if people want to listen to you.
What, did you go to a "We Love Bush, Down With Kerry!" site? I'm just guessing.
Thank you.
The stuff you wrote about does make Kerry seem like he wouldnt be a desirable president. But you cant just look at only the bad for kerry and the good for bush. both have their high and low points, and to make a reasonable educated decision, you have to look at both.
You say Kerry flip flops on his ideas, and that Bush always stands by his original idea. This is true. but I feel that having someone who can change their opinion based on new information they have received is better than someone who blindly stands by his opinion, ignoring whatever new events come to pass.
Do you want to hear the other side? Do you realize what bush has really done with his presidency?
-Bush was the first President in U.S. history to enter office with a criminal record.
-Bush invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of over one billion dollars per week.
-Bush spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted the U.S. Treasury.
-Bush shattered the record for the largest annual deficit in U.S. history.
-Bush set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12-month period.
-In his first year in office, over 2 million Americans lost their jobs and that trend continues every month.
-he is the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for receiving the most corporate campaign donations... this shows that he is doing what he can for the big businesses and doesn give a damn about the middle class people who are suffering
-Bush protected his friends at Enron and Halliburton against investigation or prosecution. Do you realize that more time and money was spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history?
-He has broken more international treaties than any President in U.S. history.
-He set the record for least number of press conferences of any President, and you can not say that is is all right for a president to keep his people in the dark. I makes you really think what has he been up to.
-He set the presidential all-time record for most days on vacation in any one-year period. Sounds really devoted to the country, huh?
-Along the same lines as the last one, after taking off the entire month of August, presided over the worst security failure in U.S. history. Remember, that little thing that happened on September 11th? Ya, he could have prevented it if he had actually opened his eyes.
-He garnered the most sympathy for the U.S. after the World Trade Center attacks and less than a year later made the U.S. the most hated country in the world, the largest failure of diplomacy in world history. We can not survive in this world on our own, no matter what the republicans say. We can't separate ourselves from the rest of the world. but Bush made them all hate us.
-He has cut health care benefits for war veterans and supported a cut in duty benefits for active duty troops and their families - in war time. And you say he supports our troops more than Kerry does.
-In his State of the Union address, he lied about our reasons for attacking Iraq and then blamed the lies on Britain. Very diplomatic and HONEST, dont you think?
-Bush is a religious zealot who makes all his decisions based on his religion, not based on what is best for the country.
Obviously everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but dont make decisions blindly. :)
O, and if you want an interesting read, visit John Kerry is a Douchebag But I'm Voting For Him Anyways. It's good stuff!
O and by the way, I hope you're enjoying Texas!
Along those same lines, I believe the president has very little power in relation to the rest of the government. I for one, wish people would be quiet about the huge Bush/Kerry thing and maybe learn the name of their *state* representatives. Then maybe we can be making informed decisions about them, too.
Above all, I believe that something very widely ignored in the Bush/Kerry debate is partisanship. Not the evil, backbiting, ohmygoshihatethoseguys partisanship, but a simple count of who you agree with more. People tend to focus on who would be the "better president," but agreeing with the man is half the argument. Democrats and Republicans have different views on health care, taxes, the justice system, etc. I could sit here for an hour and explain to you why I'm voting for Bush, but it probably wouldn't have much bearing on your decision because a lot of my reasons have to do with the simple fact of agreeing with the Republican party more often than I agree with the Democratic party. In my eyes, Bush is nowhere near bad enough for me to set aside my personal convictions and vote for Kerry. There are some great quizzes online that can tell you whose opinions you align with. Here's a good one:
If you don't understand an issue (there are lots) or aren't informed enough to have an opinion, there's an option for that.
As important as it is to pick a skilled president, it is also crucial to vote somebody into office that will represent your world philosophies as well.
Hey, I'm glad the quiz worked for you! It's really hard to keep track of which candidates take which stances, and it's nice to be able to just spend a couple of minutes on a quiz and get at least an estimate of who you match up with. I think they also have quizzes for other offices, too, like senators and stuff, which is even nicer since senatorial elections aren't nearly as publicized as the presidential elections are.
I love politics! I'm definitely having a party in my dorm room on election night. Hopefully I'll be able to find some other dorks to come, haha.
dude i would so come to your party... and get in huge political debates with the bush supporters! sounds like my idea of a fun time lol
Mwahahaa I shall be the cake master of the world!
Forgive the loopiness. I'm going NUTS waiting for college to start! I can't imagine having a whole year of high school left.
A word of caution from somebody who survived senior year with her sanity intact (mostly): If you start seeing little pink bunnies hopping across the walls in Mr. Pontes's room, you are not getting enough sleep. Or, you have just discovered the portal into some kind of alternate dimension where pink bunnies actually exist...but I'd bet on the former.
It's so nice to talk to you!! YAY for mansfield lj community! :)
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