NYAF [Dec 07]:
[SEE SITE]^^Veronica Taylor? Rachel Lills? Sonny Strait? WHAT?!^^
NYCC [April 08]:
^^I heard that Lida might be there! <3 ^_~^^
And with that lovely bunch of coconuts sold, I now make my
announcement of Svet_Fans events!
Now, I'm sure most of you here have joined (if not, what are you
DOING?! Click
[CLICK HERE] NOW!) Svet_Fans. And with
that, I bring to you, THE FIRST EVAR SVET_FANS GATHERING! Our first
will be at NYAF, not so official, but, just a good way to get to know
each other. I'll try to set up something to where we can go and check
out a few restaurants for April.
I'm also ready and willing to take suggestions, as I'm not from the
New York area... so anything is helpful!