Drunk Post!

Apr 17, 2005 00:19

Woo my first drunk post! Except I'm not really drunk. Just that, you know, can't walk straight kinda tipsy. A Smirnoff Ice and 2 shots of rum. P.S. Anyone else tried the new Watermelon Smirnoff Ice? Don't. It tastes good at first, and then you realize that you're drinking a bad imitation of cantelope. Bleh.

Soooo....so much to say. I just had a roommate scream at me, for something that I had good intentions for but just didn't work. That was fun. Another roommate is peeved (she was pissed earlier, but roommate number 3 cooled her down) at me because I hate her boyfriend. And I mean hate. As in there are few people in my life that I have felt this intensely about. But that's a whole nother post. Bascially he's an asshole, and I refuse to take that, and so I throw it all right back at him. Which, you know, at one point roommate number 3 told me to cool it b/c roommate number 2 was on the verge of taking a dive at my jugular. And the funny thing is, just last week I couldn't stand being in the same room as roommate number 3, for issues that are now, mostly, resolved. And they say that humans are social creatures....

The play is going well. I'm just bummed that as much as I love some of the pieces, after you see it 6 times, you just don't care. It does give me excellent reading time. "Year of Wonders" is interesting. Nothing says fun like reading about people dying from the plague.

Had a terrible dream about Ben. More on that later. Then I got choked up while reading his letter. But that may be the two shots of rum talking.

Hmmm. Kind of a disappointing drunk post. Nothing too embarassing, mostly just typos that I caught before I hit the "post" button. Well, here's mud in your eye.
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