Nov 06, 2004 23:30
So i haven't updated for real in awhile...
Not a lot has been goin on..
I went to the football game on friday...we lost..bleh lol way to go panthers on a losing season! Oh kinda sucked how the person that drove you there got bored and left. But i would rather her leave than not have fun and complain...its okay though..we did get a ride home..i just wish all of our stuff would have been given back to us..BLEH
Sorry i'm not in a great mood
I guess it doesn't help listening to papa roach which is definitely angry music..
Um..let's i worked today..
I'm becoming really good friends with this girl named Christie..shes pretty cool. Her and her b/f broke up and i had to keep telling her that she doesn't need him. Lol it was funny cause there was this really hot guy in her party. He was a fish in college..but OH SO HOTT! lol Well if i had known that i was gonna get off at 9 instead of midnight, like scheduled, i would have hung out with her tonight..but oh well.
Um..but yeah i only had one party today..the 1st like 2 and half hrs i was there i had to "float" meaning i didn't have a party instead i had to stock and clean and be everyone's bitch..grr
On a lighter note..only one more full week before thanksgiving *since i will be gone for the last 2 days of next week due to theatre convention!** WOO..that is gonna be so much fun i'm so excited!
hmm..what else? i have a xanga...i like it b/c i can put a pic of me on there and music which is cool..but pretty much all of my posts *if i ever remember to post anything there* will be lyrics to some song that i think says more than words about my life at the yeah
ok thats all for now...
mucho amor,