Nov 13, 2011 22:26
just like Miller says, no one is too great or too small to feel like shit warmed over!
First of all, these gods are some sadistic fucks. "gods kill for theirSport as wanton boys do flies," is almost unendurable to human reason and sensibility SO SAY SCHILLER SO SAY WE ALL so the gods are these omnipotent, bored as fuck pricks who are playing like, the bloodiest game of Sims EVER. I guess if humans were originally just slaves to the gods, they’d double as teensy weensy pawns to shuffle about the treacherous chess board of DOOM. According to Kitto, tragedies never really had anything to do with Dionysus in the forming of the whole thing, but Nieztche or whoever names him “the suffering god” which is probs what led him to do all that awful shit in the bacchae so let’s face it, if we’ve gotta associate a god with everything (and remember, we’re greek, so we do) Dionysus is a solid bet. WITH THAT IN MIND there are no silly fakeouts er shit with this sick fuck gods at the helm so there is an “ADULTNESS” an “INESCAPABILITY TO THE ISSUES” SO SAYS STEINER which in the greek since usually meant death. Or having yo mama’s babies. Or murdering your son. ANYWAY IT WAS MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH OKAY so with stakes that are that high, the anagnorsis dude is just gonna be fucking bonkers so let’s take a look at a few that I’ve already brought up, shall weeeee?
Close readings OF pentheus’ mommy and his head BUMMERRRRR
Oedipus realizing who he’s done BLINDNESS AND EXILE THAT’S BALLS FOR YOU, BUDDY
Or maybe creon realizing that his son’s dead? THERE’S THAT NASTY WRATH OF THE GODS AGAIN OOH DAAANG
It’s probably important to say that this point that there isn’t really an anagnorsis in Prometheus bound but It’s OBVI that by that point he’s been exiled out of society so even if he were going to be all OMG WHAT HAVE I DOOONEE we’re past that, plot-wise.
nietche say “The chorus of the Oceanides really believes that it sees before it the Titan Prometheus, and considers itself as real as the god of the scene. if a man merely has the faculty of seeing perpetual vitality around him, of living continually surrounded by hosts of spirits, he will be a poet. I f he but feels the impulse to transform himself and to speak from out of the bodies and souls of others, he will be a dramatist” and I DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO USE THIS QUOTE TIL JUST NOW! See the thing is about this is as dramatists we all feel the need to speak as other people, through other people. RIGHT SO EVERYTHING IS BEING TAKEN SUPER SERIOUSLY AND WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT GOING BACK TO TURNER AND BREACHYNESS one might think of SOCIETY ITSELF to have an anagnorsis when the BREACH IS HAPPENING and then THEATRE is a way of SOCIETY RE-DRESSING AND REUNITING ITSELF. DAMN THAT’S FUNKY.